How we talk to ourselves impacts our health, possibly more than anything else we do. This includes the songs that we get stuck in our heads on repeat. If the lyrics aren’t reinforcing who we want to become, they aren’t helping us…no matter how popular or upbeat the music is.
For example, there is a song from the 90s by Beck that has the lyric “I’m a loser baby…” It was a very popular song and one I used to listen to. But then I realized the words that I was repeating internally. My cells don’t know the difference between me singing a song simply because it’s a catchy tune and telling myself “I’m a loser baby…”
I’m far from a loser and I’ve proven that in many different ways during my life. Do I lose at some things, sure. But I’m not a loser and I won’t tell my cells that. Because if my cells think I’m a loser, they will become losers as well. That’s not what I want my cells to be thinking when they are faced with a virus, bacteria, or anything else that is trying to harm my body.
The things we say to ourselves also impacts our energy. I’m not talking about the energy we need to walk around the block, but whether we face the day with a positive or negative energy. Our cells respond to our energy because they are energetic organisms. Without energy in our body we die pretty quickly. Constantly living with negative energy opens the door for health issues.
I’m not saying positive energy prevents all disease. There are studies where researchers talk to plants with either negative or positive statements and find that both the quality and longevity of the plant’s life changes based on the type of statements. I’d say it’s also impossible to live a life without any negative thoughts. The key is not allowing the negative energy and limiting thoughts to live on repeat in our mind.
Find the positive things in your life. Let those define who you tell yourself you are.